Pancare Health: Panama City

By: RandyYoumans


Our office should see infants within six months and no later than the child’s first birthday. This is when the baby’s primary or first teeth (or teeth) begin to emerge pancare health. It is crucial to detect any issues before they become serious.

Problems later on could be caused by thumb-sucking and gum irritation. Babies who suck their thumbs could lead to malformed teeth or bad bite relationships.

A condition known as “baby bottle teeth decay” can also be detected early. This is caused by sugary substances found in breast milk and certain juices that combine with saliva to form pockets inside the baby’s jaw.

This can cause premature decay in your baby’s primary teeth. If this is not treated, it can eventually lead to permanent tooth loss.

Baby bottle tooth decay can be avoided Palo Verde Behavioral Health by not allowing your baby to drink from a bottle while they sleep. Avoid using honey to dip pacifiers. This will encourage early decay. Encourage your child to use a cup from an early age in order to avoid the potential problems that can be caused by baby bottle tooth decay.

Pancare health Teething, Thumb-Sucking and Pacifiers

Teething can be a sign your child’s gums hurt. This is normal. This can be helped by allowing your baby to chew on a teething rings, gently rubbing his gums with a spoon or a piece wet gauze or your finger.

Baby’s under 4 years old can use pacifiers and teething rings to help with their oral pancare health. Pacifiers after the age of 4 are usually discouraged as they can interfere with your child’s development.

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Thumb-sucking is strongly discouraged as it can cause malformed teeth, which can make them crooked or crowded.

Pancare Health – Primary and Permanent Teeth

Each child develops 20 primary teeth by the time they turn 3. These permanent teeth are gradually replaced at 12 years of age, usually with a complete set of 28 permanent teeth. Later, there will be four wisdom teeth.

Because permanent teeth will be developed from the foundation of primary teeth, it is vital that children’s primary teeth remain healthy. There are higher chances that permanent replacements for primary teeth will be affected if they become decayed or don’t grow well. Poorly formed primary teeth can crowd out space for other teeth. If this is detected early enough, space maintainers may be used to correct the problem.


Special infant toothbrushes can gently clean baby’s teeth and gums. They fit right over your finger. Water can be used in place of toothpaste, as the baby might swallow the toothpaste.