Lizard Pose Yoga

By: RandyYoumans

The practice of Lizard Pose Yoga (Uttana pristhasana), has many benefits. It is a great stretch for the hips, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Although the pose may seem difficult and it is intermediate, the many benefits of the asana are enough to keep yogis hooked.

If your hips can move, you can hop onto your mat and do a downward-facing dog pose. To enter the pose, step one foot in front of the other hand and press your forearms into the ground. You can now stretch the other leg while keeping your toes on the ground.

This posture is not only intensely hip-opening, but also promotes flexibility in the legs, arms, shoulders, and back. Tone your spine, core and chest muscles.

Uttan Pristhasana Translation

Uttana Praisthasana was the Sanskrit name that was used to describe this asana. Sanskrit’s “uttan” denotes “stretch out”, while “pristha”, which means “back of the body”, is “pose”.

It is named after its ability to stretch the back and hips.

It’s also known by its English name, lizard pose Yoga or gecko poses. Its resemblance to a lizard’s body and the flexibility of its back while it holds the pose are reasons for the name.

Regular practice of uttana praktasana will help improve your mental and physical health. It is recommended to promote reproductive health.

It is best to check if your health conditions permit you to do the pose. These are important to know before you attempt uttana prattasana.

Contraindications of Lizard Pose Yoga

Avoid lizard pose yoga if you have an injury to the ankle, knee or hip.

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If you have just had surgery, don’t attempt this pose.

It is not recommended that people with high blood pressure or other abnormalities attempt it without proper guidance.

This asana is not recommended if you have dislocated your shoulders or any type of hernia.

This is not recommended if you have a heavy head.

Preparatory posesĀ 

  • Lunge Pose (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana)
  • Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parasvakonasana).
  • Forearm Plank Pose (Phalakasana II)
  • Cradle Pose (Hindolasana).
  • Bound Angle Forward Bend (Baddha Konasana Uttanasana)
  • Half Happy Baby Pose (Ardha Ananda Balasana)

How to do Lizard Pose Yoga

Start with a downward-facing dog position.

Place your right foot forward and perform a low lunge.

Move your right hand towards the left, and then walk with the right foot forwards.

Lower your upper body and bring the forearms towards the floor. This will preserve the integrity of your spine.

Take a deep breath and lift your left leg off the ground.

Take deep, forward-looking breaths to feel the stretch in your hips.

For 5-6 deep breaths, hold the pose.

Straighten your arms and lower your left knee towards the ground.

Place your right arm just outside of the right foot.

Straighten your right leg, pointing your toes upward, and then return to a low lunge.