Know About All-On-4 Tooth Implants

By: RandyYoumans

Know About All-On-4 Tooth Implants

All-On-4 is one of the methods that is used to place Tooth Implants, which was developed by Portuguese dentist Dr. Paulo Malo in cooperation with Nobel Biocare. The implant procedure was created through computer simulation as well as biomechanics, clinical research and clinical studies to discover the most efficient way to restore a full lower or upper arch of teeth. The All-On-4 Tooth Implants placement procedure is an efficient way to replace missing teeth fast and without any necessity for bone grafts.

What’s Involved?

To determine the suitability of the patient to receive All-On-4 Tooth Implants, a thorough examination will be done by the dentist; this can include getting impressions, bone density measurement as well as x-rays as well as CT scans. Four implants are required to install these implants. The ones at the rear of your mouth are tilted to increase the bone density in specific areas. The implants used in All-On-4 techniques are designed to provide support for the quick placement of new teeth. The procedure is accessible for patients who satisfy the criteria. Patients can get their implants installed and their complete set of implants placed in one visit.

What should I be looking for?

These implants are great solutions for people who have missing teeth who have dentures or for those who require full lower and/or upper restorations. The entire procedure – which includes the placement of the Tooth Implants and the immediate installation of the restorations to teeth – can be done in one appointment; this is an ideal alternative for people who do not want to wait for several months before enjoying their new teeth. Patients who don’t have enough bone mass be able to support Tooth Implants will also benefit from this – and they are not required to undergo an expensive bone transplant procedure.

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What are the advantages of Using a Laser?

Patients can have their replacement teeth fitted in just one visit. This is an enormous improvement over traditional Tooth Implants, which can take several months. This procedure is believed to be less invasive as there is no need to use bone grafts even if patients suffer that is causing a deficiency in bone mass. It is possible to enjoy the installation of Tooth Implants and have the replacement teeth after only one appointment, without long waiting periods in between the two stages of the process.

What Are The Alternatives?

  1. Bone Grafts This procedure improves the bone mass in the jaw region and permits the placement of Tooth Implants.
  2. Traditional Tooth Implants – Tooth Implants that are placed in the “traditional” manner may be used to help restore a full arch, and could involve bone grafts (to improve the bone density within the area, as well as to help support the implants); the procedure will be completed after a few months to allow the area to heal, prior to when the tooth restorations can be placed.
  3. Dentures They Dentures are a great option as a replacement for missing teeth without the requirement for Tooth Implants placement.