Five Prenatal “Yoga Frog” Moves Every Mama

By: RandyYoumans

We need to move, not only nutrition, which is essential. A yoga frog, which is next to walking, is the best option for a mom-to-be.

Our bodies don’t have enough time to adjust to the changes required by carrying a baby for nine months. We can reduce the burden by eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

Low-Heel Squat with Forward Fold yoga frog (Malasana).

Your belly will grow rapidly and you will put more pressure on your feet, legs, and ankles. These areas are not to be ignored once you reach the end of your pregnancy.

Slowly lower your body into a squat position with your feet in front of your hips. Keep your belly centred in your middle. As you press your weight into your heels, reach forward and open your back. Place your fingertips on the mat in front and tuck your chin in.

Imagine that you are balancinag your heels on a ledge and pressing down on your heels. Take a look at your feet and note if they are turning in a particular direction. If so, work to make them align.

Wide Side Lunge (Skandasana)

Keep your hips open, especially at the end of nine months. This will help facilitate labor and delivery, allowing baby to descend through their birth canal.

With your feet in line and your pelvis neutral, begin to move into a Wide-Leg Forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana). You can keep active pressure on the right foot but not into the outer ankle. Now, bend your left knee and lunge sideways to the left.


Reclined Hip Release (Supta Matsyendrasana Version)

Every pregnancy is unique, but it is recommended that pregnant moms limit their time lying on their backs in order to maintain optimal blood flow to the baby and lower body. This hip and lower back stretch allows you to lie down on your stomach without having to lie flat on your back.

You can use a blanket, bolster or pillow behind you to lie on your back. Your feet should be as wide as the yoga frog mat, or just wider than your hips. Your head should be in neutral. You may need to rest your head on a pillow. Now slide your arms into a T-shape, or cactus, and relax your shoulders toward the ground.

Yoga Frog Pose (Bitilasana)

The extra weight can not only be taxing on your lower back but also cause tightness in the abdominals. It can put pressure on your diaphragm, cause irregular breathing patterns and increase the size of your baby depending on their weight.

As you inhale, place your elbows on your stomach and bend your elbows. Your tailbone will turn upwards when your forearms are bent.